Author: Aashnaagarwal

Aashna Agarwal, a dedicated professional at Employee Wellness Program, specializes in providing compassionate counseling and support services to address diverse personal and professional challenges. With a commitment to confidentiality and trust. She plays a crucial role in facilitating workplace training programs, offering valuable insights into stress management, conflict resolution, and resilience.

Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) have long been acknowledged as invaluable resources for employees seeking support for personal and professional challenges. While their primary purpose may be mental health and well-being support, EAPs provide numerous other advantages. This contributes to healthier, more productive, and happier workplace environments. Here we explore six lesser-known advantages of Employee Assistance Programs which contribute towards creating healthier and happier environments at work. Increasing Employee Productivity and Engagement EAPs play an invaluable role in increasing employee productivity and engagement beyond mental health issues alone. If employees are experiencing personal challenges that impact their productivity at work, EAPs…

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